August 29, 2008

Obama Effect

Posted on: Out of the Shadows
I generally give only a cursory look at American politics. Other than general knowledge of who is who and what the Americans are up to, they are not exactly a centre of influence for me. Having said that, I have to admit to having picked up some curiousity in their current election, particularly about Obama.

I’m just barely old enough to have started to have become aware of current events about the time of the race riots in the 60s, the assassination of President Kennedy and of course the Vietnam war. One of the first books about social justice I read was "Black Like Me". It was a white author who had black pigment put onto his skin in order to explore what it was like to live as a Negro (they used that word then). -- read more

August 28, 2008

Will the Diefenbreaker Really Exist?

Posted on: Out of the Shadows
Hot on the heels of the cancellation of the procurement process for two naval supply ships and 12 mid-size Coast Guard ships being cancelled last week, Harper has announced that a new Coast Guard icebreaker to be named the John G Diefenbaker will replace the Louis St. Laurent by 2017. Believe it only when I see it actually launch. Other than some ground equipment that was badly needed by our troops in combat in Afghanistan, what exactly has the Harper government delivered on? -- read more

August 27, 2008

Manufactured Dysfunction

Posted on: Out of the Shadows
The only thing left for Canadians to know now, is exactly when Harper will go to the Governor-General and ask her to dissolve the 39th Parliament of Canada and when we’ll vote. He claims that parliament has become dysfunctional and unworkable.

Considering that his government has outlived the usual 18 month life expectancy of a minority government and about 40 government bills have been passed into law, just what does he consider to be workable? -- read more

August 26, 2008

Ottawa Bails on New Supply Ships

Posted on: Out of the Shadows
The federal government has bailed from the bidding process to replace to supply ships for the navy and procure 12 patrol ships for the Coast Guard. They claim that the suppliers are unable to bring in quotes within the cost limitations the government has set. Did the government consider that their expectations might be unrealistic? -- read more

August 25, 2008

The French Need A Spine

Posted on: Out of the Shadows
Lest someone thinking I’m talking about French-Canadians, I’m not, I’m talking about the French as in France. Tragically, the French lost 10 soldiers last week, Canada lost 3. That brings the French total losses since 2001 to 14 and Canada’s to 93. The loss of so many at once has the French public wringing their hands and calling for their soldiers to come home. The French have a military of about 225,000 while Canada has 62,000. France currently has 2,800 soldiers based in Afghanistan and Canada has 2,600. -- read more

August 22, 2008

Fall Election Looms

Posted on: Out of the Shadows
Once again, the election drums are beating. Such is life when there is a minority government in power. What makes this time rather interesting is that Harper is the one that adding fuel to the fire. So much for his oft repeated declaration that he intends to govern until October 2009 which is when the law, that he brought in, sets for the next federal election.

Harper is claiming that the opposition parties are obstructing the function of parliament and that unless he has some indication that he has a functioning parliament, he will bring about the dissolution of parliament. He really can’t get himself off the opposition benches can he? Maybe an election will put him back in his more natural location, on the opposition benches -- he appears to be more comfortable there. -- read more

August 21, 2008

We Will Remember Them

In honour of our fallen CanadiansThey shall grow not old, as we who are left grow old
Age shall not weary them, nor the years condemn
At the going down of the sun, and in the morning
We will remember them

In memory of our fallen Canadians:

Sgt Shawn Eades – Afghanistan August 20, 2008
Spr Stephan Stock - Afghanistan August 20, 2008
Cpl Dustin Wasden - Afghanistan August 20, 2008

Always Caring — Always Canadian — Never Defeated

Support Our TroopsWear Red on Fridays

August 19, 2008

90th Anniversary of Rutherford’s VC

Posted on: Ides of May
The following are my remarks made at the service to commemorate the 90th anniversary of Captain Charles S. Rutherford earning his Victoria Cross:

Today, we gather to honour a great man and his actions -- Capt Charles S. Rutherford and the actions for which he was awarded the Victoria Cross in 1918 -- 90 years ago. We are not gathered on the exact anniversary of him earning the VC but we are gathered mid way between his actions of August 9th, which earned him a Military Medal and those of August 26, 1918 for which he received the Victoria Cross.-- read more

August 18, 2008

Pulling No Punches

Posted on: Out of the Shadows Someone emailed me this link of a commentator in England and his take on Muslims. In particular that in the rush to multicultural accommodation, that our rights are being walked on. I like it when someone can pull no punches and make a lot of sense. Here is a transcript of what he says:.-- read more

Taliban Tries to Intimidate Canada

Posted on: Out of the Shadows
So, the mighty Taliban have written a letter threatening to murder more Canadian civilians in Afghanistan. Man that sends me just a running for the nearest fox hole. NOT!

A person could almost have some respect for the Taliban if they focused on military struggle, poking and jabbing at our forces as they work to try to establish a secure country in Afghanistan, secure of attacks by the Taliban. I have zero respect for so called insurgents who willfully murder fellow Afghans while claiming to be fighting for the freedom of Afghanistan and aid workers working to help Afghanis.-- read more

August 12, 2008

No ‘Purple Heart’, Yes Better Long Term Care

Posted on: Out of the Shadows
When it comes to the military, Liberal Senator Colin Kenny is usually a lot more in tune with the Conservatives than with his fellow Liberals. Occasionally, he seems to miss the boat. His suggestion that an award similar to the purple heart that the Americans issue to wounded soldiers be created for Canada is a miss.-- read more

August 4, 2008

Pulling No Punches

Posted on: Out of the Shadows
Someone emailed me this link of a commentator in England and his take on Muslims. In particular that in the rush to multicultural accommodation, that our rights are being walked on. I like it when someone can pull no punches and make a lot of sense.

Here is a transcript of what he says:.-- read more